香料之路 亞洲劇場巡迴計劃 Spice Road Asian Theatre Exchange Tour

Date: 2021-05-01 - 2021-06-15


Along the Edge Festival Outreach Conference

社會文化發展中心(CCCD)聯合亞洲民眾戲劇節協會(APTFS) 與法國théâtre de l'ordinaire協作的《香料之路》劇場將與靠邊站藝術節聯合舉辦兩節為期兩日的網上國際研討會,作為靠邊站藝術節(5月12-16日)主體演出活動後的外展活動。

第一節: 藝術家在疫情下的奮鬥

Session 1 : Artists fighting to survive the pandemic


How artists are pivoting during the pandemic? How do they pivot in diff?erent ways? What are their social situations? How can we create a global solidarity platform together?


講者 Speakers:《香料之路》演員及導演 The team of Spice Road


提供意見及參與討論人士 Respondents :

Dan Baron Cohen (Wales/Brazil)

Dr Mercy (Uganda)

Ashesh Malla (Nepal)

Mok Chiu Yu (Hong Kong)

Marion Kuesler (Germany)


日期 Date:2021/05/22 (Sat六)

時間Time:HKT 8:00 – 11:00pm

形式 Format:網上zoom


There will be simultaneous interpretation service from English to Cantonese. 研討會將提供英語到廣東話的傳譯服務。



Session 2 : Community Theatre / Arts


Why do we integrate art into our communities? How can we do that? On the other hand, how can we bring community art to international platforms?


講者 Speakers:《香料之路》演員及導演 The team of Spice Road


提供意見及參與討論人士 Respondents :

Alan Lyddiard (England)

Lai Suya (Taiwan)

Samiun Johan (Bangladesh)

Arnold Kodjevi (Togo)

Subodh Patnaik (India)

Sean Kwan (Hong Kong)



The two conferences will be conducted in English.


日期 Date : 2021/05/23 (Sun 日)

時間 Time : HKT 8:00p.m. - 11:00p.m.

形式 Format : 網上 zoom

免費參加 Free of Charge

There will be simultaneous interpretation service from English to Cantonese. 研討會將提供英語到廣東話的傳譯服務。


Along the Edge Festival Outreach Master Workshops


I. 覺醒的劇場: Cyco Thea tre 的進行曲 Theatre for Awareness; A Process of Cyco Theatre

Natya Chetana (覺醒的劇場)- 一個以奧迪沙為基地的戲劇團沿用一種方法:以踩單車的方式走入人群,從他們身上學習、深入了解他們的生活並找出真實的故事,將它們塑造成戲劇。 覺醒的劇場在Subodh Patnaik的帶領下,已經這樣做了34年。劇團創立的目的是要向我們的生活提出疑問 - 激發觀眾去思考和討論不同的生活問題,而不是在舞台上提供解決方案。


Natya Chetana (Theatre for Awareness), an Odisha -based theatre group follows a method - Go to the people, learn from them and understand their life. The theatre delves into people’s lives through cycling from villages to villages to ferret out true stories and shaping them into plays. They have been doing just that for 34 long years under the aegis of Subodh Patnaik.

The theatre is established to raise questions of our lives – to “disturb the minds” of its audiences thereby generating the kind of questioning and discussion needed for different life issues. Instead of offering solutions to the issues discussed on stage, Natya Chetana aims to activate the audiences to think, reflect and discuss the issues from their own perspectives.

This masterclass will tell the story of how the theatre goes deep into remote villages through cycling and tells the true stories of villagers one after the other.


日期及時間 Date & Time :

2021/05/29/(六 Sat), HKT 6:30p.m.- 8:30p.m.

2021/05/30/(日 Sun), HKT 6:30p.m.- 8:30p.m.



講者 Speaker : Subodh Patnaik

形式 Format :網上 zoom

費用 Fee: 港幣 $200


II.網上烏干達劇場工作坊: 我跟你一個真實的故事

An Ugandan Theatre Workshop (Online): Let me tell you a True Story — Rogers Williams Mpaata (Otako)


This is a workshop about True Story Telling - storytelling based on true and self-experienced stories. How to present your experiences on stage or online? How to captivate your audience while remaining authentic with your own stories? How to tell experiences that were painful without immediately becoming sad again? In this workshop, we will work together with the participants to create their own true stories. Using creative writing methods, the stories will be brought on stage in a sensitive and appreciative way. Through practising different storytelling techniques like situational comedy, the use of voice, various creative techniques, such as poetry comedy or movement theater, etc., a lively performance is in the making.


日期及時間 Date & Time :

2021/05/29/(六 Sat), HKT 4:00p.m.- 6:00p.m.

2021/05/30/(日 Sun), HKT 4:00p.m.- 6:00p.m.



講者 Speaker : Rogers Williams Mpaata(Otako)

形式 Format :網上 zoom

費用 Fee: 港幣 $200


Along the Edge Event – Spice Road 9 Solos Performances in One Go on Cloud Theatre



The pandemic has brought us further away than ever from each other in the social life, but it ironically has brought us closer than ever to each other’s situation - locked up in isolation. The Spice Road project has assembled 9 artists from Hong Kong,Taiwan, Nepal, India, Egypt, Uganda, Germany, France and Peru, each making a solo about food and their local struggle under the pandemic in their local contexts. Portraying profound stories of the international artists, fusing cinematography, movement and music, these solos refect the multi-dimensional experiences - familiar yet distinct feelings of a distant human being encountering the same coronavirus.

時長 Duration : 135 分鐘 Mins

費用 Free : 港幣: $60


Available online to watch during the whole festival period after registration. The Festival period is from 12-16 May 2021,at Along the Edge Platform: http://alongtheedgefestival.org


Live performance on Zoom


Since 2000 years ago, the Spice Road has brought treasures existing only on the other side of the world. Spices, goods, food; cultures, power, technologies - all shared along the routes as the earliest form of globalization. For centuries, we thought that all these exchanges were boundless. Today, however, as we are experiencing the unprecedented climatic, ecological crisis, as well as the pandemic, a large part of humanity has found ourselves deprived of movement and of our ability to meet. Is it a harbinger that the world as we know is reaching its limits?As touring production traveling different time zones, connecting 10 artists real-time from 9 places in 4 continents, the Spice Road will tell the global story of food and struggle - the story we are living right now through the eyes of these actors; the story of a world at a standstill; and the possibility of thinking about the future - thinking about the future to change it.

日期及時間 Date & Time :

I. 2021/5/15 (六 Sat) HKT 9 : 00 p.m.

II. 2021/5/30 (日 Sun) HKT 2 : 00 a.m.

III. 2021/6/26 (六 Sat) HKT 6 : 00 p.m.

IV. 2021/6/26 (六 Sat) HKT 11 : 00 p.m.

V. 2021/6/27 (日 Sun) HKT 9 : 00 p.m.


免費參加 Free of Charge

時長 Duration : 90分鐘 Mins

(at Along the Edge Platform: http://alongtheedgefestival.org)

六場實驗工作坊6 Experiential Workshops

I. Cristina G utiérrez Ruiz (Peru 秘魯)

網上工作坊 : 身體與空間 Online Workshop : The Body and the Scene


In this workshop, we will explore the relationship between the body and space. Through movement and physical expression, participants will rediscover the relationship between mind, body and the physical space. Together, we will stretch our imagination and the possibilities of our bodies from where the participants are.

參加者需自備材料:橡筋帶或任何有彈性的物料 (1至1.5公尺) 筆記簿和筆

Participants should prepare their own materials: Elastic band orfabric (1 or 1 1/2 meters approximately) Notebook and pen.


工作坊將以英語進行。The workshop will be conducted in English.

日期 Date : 2021/6/5 (六 Sat)

時間 Time : HKT 7 : 00p.m. – 9 : 00 p.m.

費用 Fee : 港幣$100


II. Isra Abdulmawgod (Egypt 埃及)網上工作坊:自我表達- 演戲入門班 Online Self-Expression Workshop: The foundation of acting


This workshop is for beginners, who want to learn about the basics of acting and the tools you need to become an actor. It will consist of exercises that will help you to discover your acting skills, and how to develop and use these skills to perform self-expressive acting.

工作坊將以英語進行。 The workshop will be conducted in English.


日期 Date : 2021/6/6 (日 Sun)

時間 Time : HKT 6 : 00p.m.– 8 : 00p.m.

費用 Fee : 港幣 $100


III&IV. 吳文基Eric N g (Hong Kong 香港)鏡頭前的獨腳劇場 Zoom-in Theatre Workshop

受世界著名的菲律賓教育劇場- 創造劇場的方法所啟發,工作坊讓你帶著剪刀、膠紙、竹籤、紙卡、彩色筆及想像力,以故事、現成物/自製紙偶、音樂,創造鏡頭前的微型劇場!(物料自備)

Taking inspiration from BITAW of PETA, this workshop allows you to put together storytelling, objects/puppets, music. You can use scissors, tapes, sticks, cardboard, colour pens, mobile phone and your imagination, to create your camera-?t mini-theatre! (Materials to be self-provided)

兩天的工作坊相同。 The workshops on the two days will be the same.

工作坊將以粵語進行。The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.


日期 Date : 2021/5/28 (五 Fri)

時間 Time : HKT 7 : 00p.m. – 9 : 00p.m.

費用 Fee : 港幣 $100


日期 Date : 2021/5/29 (六 Sat)

時間 Time : HKT 7 : 00p.m. – 9 : 00p.m.

費用 Fee : 港幣 $100


V&VI. 伍綺琪Kiki Ng (Hong Kong 香港)

一人一故事劇場工作坊 : 我們的食物 Playback Theatre Workshop - Food would be the theme of this workshop.


Playback Theatre is an original form of improvisational theatre in which audience or group members tell stories from their lives and watch them enacted on the spot.

兩天的工作坊相同。The workshops on the two days will be the same.

工作坊將以粵語進行。The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.


日期 Date : 2021/5/28 (五 Fri)

時間 Time : HKT 7 : 30p.m. – 9 : 30p.m.

費用 Fee : 港幣 $100

地點 Venue : 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development


日期 Date : 2021/6/5 (六 Sat)

時間 Time : HKT 7 : 00p.m. – 9 : 00p.m.

費用 Fee : 港幣 $100

地點 Venue : 救世軍竹園綜合服務 Chuk Yuen Integrated Service (FULL, 已滿)


9 Performance Tours (live and recorded+ discussion) in Hong Kong

九場演出,由伍綺琪真人演出、另加吳文基及其他《香料之路》成員錄 像播放+討論。

9 performance tours in Hong Kong (actual and recorded performances + discussion) Kiki Ng, Eric Ng and cast of Spice Road.

戲劇和瘟疫是矛盾和不安的二重唱。瘟疫威脅著戲劇的生存,同時也 為戲劇的創作與演繹帶來了新的焦點與詮譯。 是次演出勾劃了各地《香料之路》演員在疫情下的困難與爭扎,探索 與啟發,並重新思考演出的新可能性,展現了劇場人獨有的創造力與 韌性。演出以間斷虛擬和實體互相交織而成,以全新方式實踐另類劇 場體驗。

Theatre and pandemics have always made an uneasy duet. For theatre, pandemics have been an ever-looming threat to its very survival and existence, while it also serves ambivalently, a source of intrigue, a dramaturgical impetus and focus. This show narrates the experiences faced by Spice Road actors under the pandemic. It demonstrates their despairs and struggles; the journey to explore and be inspired to rethink and recreate the endless possibilities of theatre. Thus, revealing the unique creativity and resilience of the theatre people. This show is interwoven with virtual and live performance.


Details of 9 free of charge Solos performance are shown below:


I.嶺南大學Lingnan University

2021/5/6 (四 Thur) HKT 7 : 00 p.m. (FULL, 已滿)

II.大埔藝術中心 Tai Po Arts Centre BEYOND Bollywood

2021/5/8 (六 Sat) HKT 4 : 00 p.m.

地址 : Studio 301 大埔藝術中心 安邦路12號

III.明愛賽馬會石塘咀青少年綜合服務 Shek Tong Tsui Caritas Centre

2021/5/25 (二 Tue) HKT 3 : 00 p.m.

地址 : 西營盤第三街200號毓明閣地下高層(FULL, 已滿)

IV.張視製作工作室 Cheung’s Studio

2021/5/31 (一 Mon) HKT 7 : 30 p.m.

地址 : 香港新蒲崗雙喜街一號安田中心702室 (FULL, 已滿)

V.張視製作工作室 Cheung’s Studio

2021/6/3 (四 Thu) HKT 8 : 00 p.m.

地址 : 香港新蒲崗雙喜街一號安田中心702室

VI.社區文化發展中心 Centre for Cultural Community Development

2021/6/5 (六 Sat) HKT 2 : 00 p.m.

地址 : 香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心L205-208

VII. 救世軍竹園綜合服務 Chuk Yuen Integrated Service

2021/6/5 (六 Sat) HKT 9 : 00 p.m.

地址 : 香港九龍竹園南邨竹園社區中心2-4字樓(FULL, 已滿)

VIII.社區文化發展中心 Centre for Cultural Community Development

2021/6/6 (日Sun) HKT 8 : 00 p.m.

地址 : 香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心L205-208


2021/6/12(六 Sat) HKT 8:00 p.m.

地址 : 深水埗大南街大南商業大廈3字樓


International Exchange Platform

《香料之路》活動和紀錄的互動地圖,包括2019年9月於法國北部舉行 首次的綵排表演。互動地圖將於2021年6月15日準備就緒。請留意 CCCD在社交媒體上的公告。

An interactive map of Spice Road events and documentation including the first rehearsal performance held in Northern France in September 2019. Ready by 15th June 2021. Please pay attention to CCCD’s announcement on social media.


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