節目四:香港聾人電影 (二)

日期: 2020-10-09

Programme 4
9/10/2020 週五 Fri
影片開放時間Films available at:7:00pm - 9:20pm
片長 Film duration:70mins


愛無限 Boundless Love (導演版 Director’s  Cut) 世界首映 World Premiere

導演 Director:黃志輝 Jeff Wong
2020/70’/香港 Hong Kong/廣東話對白、香港手語 In Cantonese with Hong Kong Sign Language  / 中英文字幕 Chinese and English Subtitles


It is a story about a Deaf (Blue) and a Hard of Hearing (Prince) meeting 2 hearing people (Lucas and Claudia), developing their love regardless of sexual orientation or hearing ability. With love, equality and acceptance, everyone can find love and honor with their courage.


*凡購節目四香港聾人電影 (二),可免費觀節目三香港聾人電影 (一)*

*Purchase Programme 3: Hong Kong Deaf Film 1 will get a free pass on Programme 4: Hong Kong Deaf Film 2, and vice versa.*

成功付款後,PUTYOURSELF.in將以電郵發送附有QR code的電子門票給你,當中包含節目放映連結及密碼


E-tickets on sale at https://www.putyourself.in/
Purchase the ticket before 20/9 to enjoy early bird discount!
If your booking was successful, PUTYOURSELF.in will send you the e-Ticket with QR code by email. The screening link and password will be included in the e-ticket email
Ticket price and purchasing details: http://www.cccd.hk/?a=doc&id=3051

