
觸感盛宴第二部曲 – 點感・泊・索 展覽

第十屆觸感藝術節的第二個展覽「點感.泊.索」於 2024 年 11 月 19 日圓滿開幕!此次活動吸引了眾多藝術愛好者和社區成員的參與,現場氣氛熱烈,令人振奮。

我們要特別感謝 Headnepal 展出由其照顧的視障兒童所創作的觸感藝術作品。這些藝術品不僅在視覺上引人注目,更重要的是,它們通過觸感讓觀眾深刻體驗到藝術的力量。此外,受到視障兒童作品啟發的本地兒童創作的畫作,不僅體現了藝術的多樣性和跨文化交流的美好,還使小朋友在創作過程中體會到視障兒童面對的挑戰,從而增強了他們的同理心。

在此亦特別銘謝 Multicultural Connection 的成員為此次展覽所做出的努力和貢獻,他們的熱情和專業讓這次活動更加完美。他們在本次展覽中展示了來自尼泊爾家庭的可觸摸的生活藝術品,這些展品讓觀眾深入了解尼泊爾的文化和生活方式。

Multicultural Connection 的成員更為開幕特別準備了尼泊爾美食,為參觀者提供了一次難忘的味蕾體驗。這些美味的佳餚不僅展現了尼泊爾的獨特風味,還讓觀眾在享受藝術的同時,感受到尼泊爾文化的深厚底蘊,進一步了解這個多元文化社區的魅力。期待未來能有更多這樣的文化交流活動,讓我們共同推動社區的融合與發展!


The second exhibition of the 10th Touch Art Festival, titled “Hong Kong – Nepalese Touching Connections,” successfully opened on November 19, 2024, attracting many art enthusiasts and creating a vibrant atmosphere.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Headnepal for showcasing tactile art created by visually impaired children. These striking artworks allow the audience to experience the power of art through touch. Local children’s paintings inspired by these works not only highlight artistic diversity and cross-cultural exchange but also foster empathy by helping young creators understand the challenges faced by their visually impaired peers.

Special thanks to the members of Multicultural Connection for their contributions; their enthusiasm and professionalism enhanced the event. They presented touchable artworks from Nepali families, deepening the audience’s understanding of Nepali culture. Additionally, they prepared delicious Nepali cuisine for the opening, providing an unforgettable culinary experience that showcased Nepal’s rich cultural heritage.

Thank you to all participants, artists, and supporters for making this exhibition a success. We look forward to sharing more artistic journeys and advancing the development and exchange of art in the future!