走進香港日佔時期深水埗戰俘營的故事 【 明日陽光璨爛 It Won’t be long now 】

Date: 2018-08-31

明日陽光璨爛 It Won’t be long now


Story of the ShamShuiPo Prisoners of War Camp


日期 Date : 31.8-2.9.2018
時間 Time :Fri-Sat 7:30pm | Sat- Sun 3:00pm
地點 Place : 香港港灣道香港藝術中心麥高利小劇場

                       McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Harbour Road, Wan Chai

票價 Ticket Price :$280,$200(學生、長者、殘疾人士及其陪同者)


門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets at Urbtix

購票查詢 Inquiries:www.urbtix.hk
電話訂票:Tel: 2891 8482

內容簡介 Introduction
It Won’t Be Long Now, a solo show set in 1940s Hong Kong, follows the experiences of a British prisoner of war incarcerated in the Sham Shui Po Barracks by the Japanese. He is our guide to the world of the camps: the beatings, diseases, forced labour and deaths, but so too to the informal university, the furious gardening, the prison breaks and drag entertainment acts. It may just be that when you dance with death sitting in the front row, you dance with greater abandon. The show reveals the enduring humanity and will to survive that still exists when everything else has been stripped away. The Cantonese version of It Won’t Be Long Now on the other hand would be the story of a Hong Konger during the Japanese occupation of 3 years and 8 months.


「不是霑叔不聚頭」是這個獨腳戲計劃的延續,正名為「深水埗演義」。下一齣的作品是「明日陽光燦爛」,是圍繞日軍深水埗戰俘營的故事,由Bill Aitchison 和李俊亮的獨腳戲演出,訴說日軍深水埗戰俘營內外真實人物的故事。Bill Aitchison 和李俊亮將會先後同場演出。


"Sham Shui Po Stories"
The Centre for Community Cultural Development is rooted in Sham Shui Po and has staged a number of solo performances related to the area.

We have had the Autobiographical tours of Uncle Hung and Indy Lee. We also had the intimate theatres of May Yu (Stories of the Shek Kip Mei Resettlement Estate, Factory and Creative Arts Centre) and Idy Lam (The Sound of Flesh - Stories of Sham Shui Po's Street Sleepers).


The series continues with Dream James (of Yeung Ping Kei) and the next one will be "It Won't be Long Now", stories of real characters in and around the Prisoners of War Camp in Sham Shui Po run by the Japanese occupiers during the Second World War. The lives of the characters are re-enacted by Bill Aitchison and Indy Lee in a double bill.

The former performs in English and latter in Chinese portraying different characters. Summaries of the stories will be available.



Bill Aitchison


作為英國行為藝術家和藝術總監的 Bill Aitchison 在表演,寫作,視頻和音頻中工作,並與劇院,音響和視覺藝術家合作。作品具極獨特個人風格和幽默感。從獨腳表演到大型項目和參與式活動等各種規模的作品,他的作品表現形式多元化,包括舞蹈、講座、表演、文化導賞等。

Bill Aitchison is a well-known performance artist and artistic director working on performances making, videos and audio works for theatres, galleries and city spaces. Each project is radically different in form,  highly distinctive, recognisable for their unique personal style, conceptual strength and ambition. His teaching and work on the arts in public space has proven influential, which made him a pioneer in site-sensitive performance. Bill has performed in the UK, Europe and China.

李俊亮 Indy Lee



Indy Lee Chun Leung, the Director of Performing Arts Education at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, a member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Chairman of the Drama Committe. Lee is a theater director, actor, drama educator, and art administrator. He first graduated from the Department of Drama at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and then went to London to study receiving a Master of Applied Theatre.  Lee has been active in theater performances and directorships. He wrote, directed and performed "A Better Man”, and got the 4th Hong Kong Little Theatre Best Actor nomination. He took part in many theatre productions including a few solos.




    「行行重行行」的文化旅遊工作坊,主打是來自英國的 Dr. Bill Aitchison 的5天工作坊,引導學員以不同的角度,認識文化導賞,並作實踐。Bill 已是第三次來港辦此工作坊,今次以香港電影中的深水埗為切入點,有玩頭。


(Bill 還是一名劇場演員,他將在8月31日至9月2日演出 社區文化發展中心 [深水埗演義] 的第六回:明日陽光燦爛 。Bill 以渾身解數演出當年被困於日軍集中營的俘虜真實故事 。http://www.cccd.hk/?a=doc&id=2355)







      俊亮在深水埗長沙灣長大,街道就是他的遊樂場。導賞就是將街道的人和戲呈現,讓參與者情不自禁置身其中,一起「遊」一起「戲」,再在工作坊拆解人.社區.感情和生活角色的種切。(與Bill Aitchison同場 , 李俊亮在明日陽光燦爛 演出  集中營外面的故事 。)


其二是小弟的「文化是幽靈.社區是異域」。故事翻來覆去都是幾條街區的人事情,講著才發現是終身相伴。他們闖進當下,總有當下的姿態和口實,像一扇門打開了與「面善」相遇,卻是翻到另一篇章。工作坊就是回應John Berger一句話, “Storytelling is a rescue operation.”





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